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Amazing Photoshop Effects – Multiple Exposure
The multiple exposure is an amazing Photoshop effect that is easy to create using any software that allows you to work with layers. In this tutorial we will show you how to create this Photoshop effect to clone yourself and get a stunning effect on your photos.

Photoshop tutorial – Multiple Exposure video

In order to create this impressive effect you need only two things: a device capable of taking Photos (smartphone, DSLR camera, pocket camera, etc) and a software that allows you to work with layers and layer masks like Gimp (free), Photoshop Elements or Photoshop CS or CC or other free photo editors that allows you to work with layers and layer masks.
Nowadays, modern smartphones are capable of taking high resolution images. Simply make sure that on your phone camera settings you set the highest resolution available for pictures. On some phones it’s simply called “Fine”. If you use Photoshop you don’t even need a tripod because you can align the images but it’s highly advisable.

Photoshop Effects Multiple exposure
Camera quality settings on a Samsung Galaxy S5 (android)

A few tips before you make the multiple exposure

I made this multiple exposure photoshop effect several times and in time I learn a few things. Follow these tips and you will save a lot of time when processing the multiple exposure photos.

1 – No flash

Try to avoid using the on camera flash. Reflections created by it can make the final image look bad. Also the light that an on camera flash produces is awful and it creates hard shadows behind objects. If really necessary, use an off camera flash and make a few test shots and make sure the light is ok before you take your exposures. Once you have it in the right spot, don’t move it.
Photoshop Effect - Multiple exposure
Avoid using on camera flash

2 – Use a tripod

Take the multiple exposures using a tripod if possible. The objective is to take the photos without moving the camera between shots. That way you will not have to align the images when you stack them. If you use a smartphone or a pocket camera and you don’t have a tripod, you can use something to rest the camera against. If you cannot do it and you have to do it hand held, try to move the camera as little as possible between shots by using reference points.
Photoshop Clones - multiple exposure
Use a tripod to take your multiple exposure

3 – Constant lighting

It’s important that all shots that you take for your multiple exposure have the same light because when you combine them it has to be seamless. If you do it indoors, turn on all the lights in the room or house. That way you can take the photos using a higher shutter speed and there will be less risk of shaky images and the light will be uniform across all exposures. Avoid changing lights as much as possible.
Multiple Exposure lighting
Use constant lighting on your photos

Creating the multiple exposure effect

For this tutorial I took 3 photos of myself doing different things on different places of the living room with my camera standing on a tripod and using the self-timer. Self timer is also available on pretty much all camera and smartphones but you can also ask someone to take the pictures for you. If you’re on a big place you can take more than 3 photos and if you change clothing for each shot you will get a more impressive multiple exposure effect.
Clone effect in photoshop
Multiple exposures taken on my living room

Blend the images in Photoshop

Open the images you just took and stack them on separate layers on the same document. Photoshop allows you to open several images on the same document and stack them on layers and align them automatically. Just go to File>Scripts>Load files into Stack. You can also do it manually if you don’t have that menu on your Photoshop, just load the files into layers and then select all layers and go to Edit>Auto-Align Layers. If the images are not 100% aligned, use the arrow keys on your keyboard to align them. I used a tripod so I don’t have to align the images.
Now you can make the multiple exposure effect in Photoshop. Once your images are aligned, create layer masks and mask the images to reveal the places where you are and make it look like there is multiple you on one image :)
multiple xposure layers

Multiple Exposure/Clone Effect – Result

Clone effect in Photoshop Multile exposure
The multiple exposure effect is pretty easy to create in Photoshop but a bit of practice and trial en error is necessary. Enjoy

Stock used

Step 1

I often create a transparent layer at the beging because it’s easier for me to fit the pictures in.First we bring our mermaid stock on our transparent layer and the limit of the under water foam.We need only the foam from that stock so we’ll erase the other parts using a soft brush.

Step 2

Now we need some light rays under the water so let’s bring the rays stock.From this stock image we’ll use some other parts too but now we’ll let only the rays in the picture so with a soft brush erase the parts we don’t need.After this the image should look like this.

Step 3

In this step we bring the sky stock and add some light effects in the water with these settings.We also erase from here some parts of the sea with a soft brush.

Step 4

It’s time to bring again the stock that we used for the underwater rays,but now we’ll use from it only the islands and some parts of the water.We also need some dark clouds over the sea.Erase here also the parts we don’t need with a soft brush.

Step 5

We need now to add some rocks in the water.It’s simple but we have to find the perfect size for the underwater rocks using the Free Transform.First we cut those above the water as you can see in 5a image.After we cut the island(you can use the Quick Selection Tool for cuting,see 5b) to create the underwater rock and after erasing with the same soft brush the parts we don’t need and set the layer to Soft Light.Do the same with the other rock.

Step 6

In this step we’ll add the ship and the water splashes around it and the rocks.Because the splashes are.png files will be easier to select those you think it fits best.

Step 7

Now it’s time to change some tones.First we use a Photo Filter layer with a Warming Filter(81) and set the density to 59% (7a).Then we add a Color Balance layer with the settings from 7b.

Step 8

After we Flatten Image it’s time for the final adjustments.First we’ll use the Dodge&Burn technique.If you are new into this see the Tutorials>Manipulation Secrets>Dodging&Burning section from the site for detailed explanation about this technique.After this we’ll add some sharpness like in my previous tutorials. Go to Image >Mode >Lab Color.Then go to Channel palette and click on the Lightness channel.Now go to to Filter >Sharpen >Unsharp Mask.Here are the settings i used for this  Amount 65%, Radius 3, Threshold 2.That’s all.Enjoy.

Final Result

Mixed Art - Photoshop Action - Photo Effects Actions 
Mixed Art - Photoshop Action 12000444
Photoshop ATN | 29 Mb


  • Photoshop atn file.
  • Separated layers.
  • Work with english version photoshop.
  • Preview image not included.

Item contains

  • Photoshop action.
  • Instructions in pdf.
  • 15 png textures.

Download Link:
Khroma Luxe-Action Bundle - Actions - 1Khroma Luxe-Action Bundle - Actions - 2Khroma Luxe-Action Bundle - Actions - 3Khroma Luxe-Action Bundle - Actions - 4Khroma Luxe-Action Bundle - Actions - 5
Save over 30% when you purchase all of our Khroma Luxe™ Digital Beauté products all in one bundle! The Khroma Luxe-Bundle includes all 3 Khroma Luxe™ products with OVER 100 beauty defining actions for one awesomely discounted price.

  • Valued at $105.
  • Includes: Khroma Luxe: Artisan Collection, Katwalk Collection, KolourPro and a BONUS collection O'Naturale Eye's!
  • Over 100 beautifying actions!
  • Includes links to video tutorials
  • Compatible with PC & Mac.
  • Designed with English versions of PS & PSE.
  • Includes ALL files for Photoshop Versions.
  • Works with English versions of PS and PSE
  • Designed for Photoshop CS2-Creative Cloud and PSE 9-Up
  • Compatible with PC & Mac.

  • ATN. Files for all versions of Photoshop. (PS CS2-CC, PSE 9-10 and PSE 11-13)
  • View Video Tutorials Here: https://vimeo.com/seasaltco/videos
  • PDF Info Guide -Terms of Use
NOTE Our products are designed to be as user-friendly as possible, however you will need basic knowledge of Adobe Photoshop to use any of our products.

Download Link:


Khroma Luxe-KolourPro Collection 278426
ATN, PNG, JPG | Adobe CS2+ | 51 Photoshop Beauty Retouching Actions | 2.5 Mb

The Khroma Luxe™-Kolour Pro Collection is complete with 51 actions that include: Hair Essentials that are used for fine tuning hair (banish frizz, richen hair color, add luminous shine), Kolour Fixes that are designed to color correct unwanted tones in hair, Hair Colors and also our one of a kind Bleaching Action.

Each color has been specifically blended to give the true tones of each shade no matter the natural hair color. With our wide range of shades so you can create dramatic reds, stunning brunettes, pristine blondes or push the edge and redefine self-expression.


51 Photoshop Beauty Retouching Actions.
URL file that will take you to view our tutorial videos.
Zip file includes all files for Photoshop CS-CC and PSE 9-Up.


==== ESSENTIALS ====

Darken/Lighten Hair
Beautiful Details
Keratin Therapy
Argan Shine Spray
Richen Hair Color
Khroma Blends {Ombre Hair Effects}

==== KOLOUR FIXES ====

Red/Brass Tone Corrector
Yellow Tone Corrector
Golden Tone Corrector
Green Tone Corrector
Blue Tone Corrector
Violet Tone Corrector

==== HAIR COLORS ==== (There is a section for each natural hair color: Blonde, Red, Brown, Black)

Khroma Bleach
Jet Black


Works with English versions of PS and PSE
Designed for Photoshop CS2-Creative Cloud and PSE 9-Up
Compatible with PC & Mac.

Download Link:

Everything is very straight forward. I have tried to make the item as very easy to use.


These actions are designed to transform your photos into Double Exposure Photoshop Action.

- High quality action
- Easily editable & customizable
- Non destructive
- Work on every photos
- Well Grouped Layer


- One ATN File
- One Help Text File (Instructions)

Added Extra Five Color For More Fun.

These action are specially made for photographers, graphic designer & artists.

The action has been tested and working on Photoshop (English versions)CS3,CS4,CS5,CS6,CC.
I recommend using the action on photo’s with high resolution for the best results.

Note: Photo Credit goes to http://www.500px.com
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